12.28.2011 Cazanovas Flyer
12.23.2011 Nathan Morgan Flyer
12.18.2011 The Melanie Denard Band Photo Shoot
Melanie Denard has put together her new band and needed some band pictures for PR purposes. She hired me to come up to her house and shoot the band. We had a blast playing with some ideas for the shoot, I thought they came out quite nice. I’ll be using some of these shots for an upcoming flyer design!
The Melanie Denard Band
The Melanie Denard Band
12.15.2011 The Cazanovas Photo Shoot
The Cazanovas switched out their drummer, and wanted some new photos. They hired me for a quick photo shoot before the Blues Jam on Thursday.
The Cazanovas
The Cazanovas
12.13.2011 Flyer Designs
I’ve been working on creating a new look for the flyers at Darwin’s. It’s been fun diving back into some real graphic design and dirtying up my clean designs. Oh grungy-distressed look…how I’ve missed you! Check out my stuff:
Flyer for Eric Culberson
Flyer for New Years
12.12.2011 Light Painting
A friend of mine has been checking out my light paintings and invited me up to his workplace to use as a shooting location: a Fire Station! I had a blast and will probably return to do more shoots at a later time. I’d like to thank my friend as well as all the Firemen I got to meet while I was there.
Bay Doors (2 layer composite) @ The Fire Station
Burning Rubber @ The Fire Station
12.03.2011 Waller Show
After the photo shoot with Waller, I stuck around and shot their show for a bit before heading back to Darwin’s to shoot Seminole Jackson. I had a great time hanging out and would like to thank all the members of Waller for having me out!
Waller @ Five Spot
Waller @ Five Spot
12.03.2011 Waller Photo Shoot
Saturday I met up with Atlanta Folk band Waller! I shot them at Park Tavern a while back and they asked me to come out and get some group shots of the band. I had lots of fun hanging out backstage and getting a bit more experience at posing people!
Waller Photo Shoot @ Five Spot
Waller Photo Shoot @ Five Spot
12.02.2011 Truett Lollis
Truett Lollis: Friday after Stoney Brooks I went to check out Truett play at Sideline’s. He had John McKnight on drums and was jamming with the opening band by the time I got there. It was great to hear Truett play a little more rock, and I loved his version of “A Simple Man”!