I spent one evening testing out my GoPro with a helmet mount, I liked the shots so much I decided to play around with editing to my friend’s old band: Contraption.
I present what resulted as an unofficial music video for an old forgotten Atlanta band.
Contraption – Wet Dream (unofficial music video)
no comments | posted in Art Direction, Camera Operator, Cinematography, cityscape, Editing, video

The Tree Shot with just a spotlight and some color gels, this picture is SOOC (Straight out of the Camera) No Photoshop tricks.
no comments | posted in Art Direction, Camera Operator, cityscape, Design, landscape, light painting, Photo Shoot, plants
I got the chance to do a photoshoot with the Truett Lollis Trio, an up and coming Blues Band out of Marietta, GA!

Truett Lollis Trio

Truett Lollis Trio
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no comments | posted in Art Direction, Camera Operator, cityscape, concert, Design, Photo Shoot, portrait, product
We decided Thursday to take a trip to Savannah for July 4th weekend. I’d never been to Savannah and someone else was driving, I’M IN! We arrived at midnight Friday and wandered the streets drinking smoothies from Wet Willie’s. They convinced me to take a night off and leave the camera. It was a cool vibe! At 2am the streets were still crowded with families and street musicians!
Saturday the photography began, so did the drinking. Our first stop was The Tea Room where we started our day with a pot of Flaming Dragon Oolong. The waitress spooned brandy onto a sugar cube and lit it on fire!
After that was going through gallery after gallery of local painters and checking out the art scene. I’d like to give mention to David Patterson, the phenomenal sketch artist and Thomas Kinkade, “painter of light”.
We had a great Seafood and Alcoholic Lemonade lunch, I ordered a Crab Bisque and Crab Cakes. The food was so good I actually forgot to take pictures of my entree! After lunch we drank at the pool for a while…finally ending the night with some Savannah Light Painting! Not so much drawing, but playing with filters and such.
Savannah was a cool place, but we didn’t really get to explore too much since we were only there for 2 days and partying most of the time. Next time, I want to check out the Historic District near SCAD campus. Light Painting!

SCAD Theater at night. SOOC – Straight out of Camera.

Savannah Park

Flaming Dragon Oolong from The Tea Room

Chocolate Covered Pretzels


Crab Bisque that made me forget to take pictures!

Smoke Break

Self Portrait in the Pool

Ray Underwater.

Sean Underwater.

Savannah Bay Bridge taken from our hotel roof.

Savannah Church SOOC – Straight out of Camera.

Abandoned Pool SOOC – Straight out of Camera.

Savannah Bay Bridge SOOC – Straight out of Camera.
no comments | tags: food, landscape, light painting, Savannah, underwater | posted in cityscape, food, landscape, light painting, panoramas, pool, underwater