07.14.2011 FYN Show @ Clermont Lounge
The Clermont Lounge is always a fun time, especially when FYN comes out to perform! This was a challenging shoot because I forgot my external flash (I need a bigger camera bag!) and the Clermont doesn’t have very good lighting. I made due with my on-camera flash and a torn up piece of cocktail napkin as a diffuser. I got there in time to catch the last song of Palaces and grab a few shots of the guys.
M. Chvasta of Palaces.
John of Palaces.
Afterwards was a “band” called Scaffolds. It wasn’t really my kind of music, and it was a little strange to see 5 guys sitting on the stage with their “instruments” during the entire performance. The drummer was badass though!
Mike of Scaffolds.
Mike of Scaffolds.
Didgeridoo Man of Scaffolds.
Duct Tape Boy and Touchscreen Tapper Lad of Scaffolds.
Hate Crime. Longino Brothers with D of FYN
Homer with D the bouncer.
Homer and Alex.
Finally, FYN! They rocked the house as usual an put on an awesome concert!