07.16.2011 Disapyramids + Winter Ransom (Pt. 1)

Disapyramids AND Winter Ransom? Sign me up! Saturday July 16th, both bands played back to back at 529 in East Atlanta. Awesome show as always!

Check back tomorrow for Pt. 2, Winter Ransom Pics.

Andrew and the Disapyramids

Andrew of the Disapyramids.

Set List.

Josh of the Disapyramids.

Gordon of the Disapyramids.

Drew and the Disapyramids.

Drew and the Disapyramids.

Drew and the Disapyramids.

Josh and Gordon of the Disapyramids.

Josh of the Disapyramids.

Drew and the Disapyramids.

The Disapyramids

Casey of the Disapyramids

Drew amd the Disapyramids

The Disapyramids

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